welcome. why "weak on sanctification"?

this accusation is often made about lutheran christians. because we focus so strongly on god's justifying grace in christ, and our continual need, as "sinner-saints," to receive god's gifts of grace through word and sacrament, people say we are "weak on sanctification." i prefer to say we are strong on jesus, whose sanctifying work in our lives is the fruit of the gospel all along our lifelong journey. i would much rather focus on what he has done than on anything i might do.

the weekly discussion

each week I set forth a topic to promote discourse about some aspect of Christianity, the church, or the spiritual life. i would love to hear your perspective and thoughts on each week's subject. these discussions are usually posted on mondays, so if you missed this week's post and would like to catch up on the conversation, just scroll down and join us.

November 9, 2009

what a weekend...

it was a weekend of...
  • tracing memories that elicit smiles,
  • enjoying much good and edifying family togetherness and interaction,
  • gorging ourselves on loads of great food,
  • relishing the most perfect november weather one could wish for,
  • living and dying with all the ups and downs of an amazing football game,
  • wiping away the tears of realizing that this is the last time we'll attend a sporting event on a home field for one of our children,
  • swelling up with pride for all that our son is becoming, and continuing to pray that he and our other children will find themselves, through christ, established in life, established in faith, and filled with love for what is good,
  • being grateful for family and friends that have supported and encouraged us throughout the years,
  • worshiping with gratitude on sunday and praising the true and living god, who created all things good and gave them to us to enjoy with thanksgiving.

"For what God gives I thank indeed;
What He withholds I do not need."
(Martin Luther)


  1. Love the photos. Congratulations Jesse and to the family. Aunt Laurie
