welcome. why "weak on sanctification"?

this accusation is often made about lutheran christians. because we focus so strongly on god's justifying grace in christ, and our continual need, as "sinner-saints," to receive god's gifts of grace through word and sacrament, people say we are "weak on sanctification." i prefer to say we are strong on jesus, whose sanctifying work in our lives is the fruit of the gospel all along our lifelong journey. i would much rather focus on what he has done than on anything i might do.

the weekly discussion

each week I set forth a topic to promote discourse about some aspect of Christianity, the church, or the spiritual life. i would love to hear your perspective and thoughts on each week's subject. these discussions are usually posted on mondays, so if you missed this week's post and would like to catch up on the conversation, just scroll down and join us.

January 5, 2010

praying for the imonk...

good friend michael spencer begins radiation treatments today at the markey cancer center in lexington, ky.

michael, aka "the internet monk," was diagnosed with colorectal cancer recently and had a brain tumor removed. today he returns to the cancer center to begin follow-up treatments.

you can read michael's latest update on his condition here.

please pray for michael and denise and their children at this time. and lift up all who feel the burden of his illness—friends, co-workers at their ministry, and those who have come to appreciate michael's "voice of sanity in the midst of the evangelical wilderness".

o god, 
the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers:
mercifully accept our prayers, 
and grant to your servant michael 
the help of your power, 
that his sickness may be turned into health, 
and our sorrow into joy; 
through jesus christ our lord.  amen. (bcp)

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